Meet Javier A. Bastidas, Supervising Attorney of the Justice & Diversity Center’s Sargent Shriver Custody Project. Javier has worked in this role at JDC since June 2011. He previously worked at the organization from 2008-2009. In his current role, he assists low-income parents in custody battles where the other parent is represented.
Bastidas’ most memorable client he’s ever worked with is “Esse”, a Nigerian woman with asylum status following severe domestic violence history. Bastidas helped secure a permanent custody award for her and even had a chance to work with his old firm in doing so. (Michelene Insalaco/Staci Lambright, 2016 Family Law Crystal Award Winners – firm handled jurisdiction/ DVRO issues).
After they won their trial, “Esse” cried tears of joy and relief and Bastidas was reminded of why he loves his job. There is nothing better than helping a deserving client find justice- and beating a large firm at trial!