Essays and Videos from our Past Presidents
In celebration of the Bar Association of San Francisco's 150th anniversary, we invited our past presidents to contribute short reflections on their tenure. BASF has been in the vanguard of every civil rights and social justice movement over its 150 years, from civil rights work to bail reform, from gender equality to the representation of those with AIDS, the promotion of LGBTQI rights and marriage equality, the representation of and advocacy for the homeless, the promotion of diversity in our profession, police reform, conflict intervention, and more.
This collection of essays from our past presidents will grow, as we periodically add new contributions. We celebrate the achievements of each of our past presidents in making BASF one of the finest bar associations in the country!
Doris Cheng, 2019
Building Advocacy Skills and Courtroom Experience for Women and Minority Attorneys

Hon. Angela Bradstreet (ret.), 2002
BASF Has Made Some Big Cracks in the Glass Ceiling for Women in the Profession

Michael G. W. Lee, 1990
Memorable Minutes: Opening Doors for Parents and Minority Attorneys

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Visit the History Archive
Throughout this year, we are adding historical documents and articles to the newly created history archive in our online documents library.
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We'd love to hear from you. If you have a story, article, or historical photo related to San Francisco legal history, we'd love to hear from you.
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