Collected Articles
The archive below is a collection of articles that were featured on our 150th Anniversary page. This collection will grow throughout 2022, as we periodically add new articles from our publications.
Celebrating the Impact of Justice and Diversity in San Francisco
The first BASF Foundation Gala, benefitting BASF’s charitable programs including the Volunteer Legal Services Program (VLSP), took place in 2004 and grew into an annual tradition.

2022 Article by Kathleen Guthrie Woods
Lauding Law Academy’s 25 Years of Success
Law Academy, a partnership between the Bar Association of San Francisco (BASF) and its Justice and Diversity Center (JDC) and the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD), was introduced at Mission High School in 1997 and expanded to Balboa High School two years later. Although no consistent statistics have been kept, approximately 1,250 students have come through the program, approximately 85% of its graduates have continued on to two-year and four-year colleges, and many have become attorneys.

2022 President's Report
Promoting Justice Since 1872
We are living through difficult times. The evisceration of the Voting Rights Act has led to the disenfranchisement of people of color. Interpretations of the Second Amendment undermine reasonable—and as California has shown—effective gun control measures. And after almost 50 years of reliance, a fundamental right—to abortion— has been withdrawn - an apparent first in the history of fundamental rights.
Barristers Club Judges Receptions Through the Years
To honor the long-standing tradition of the Barristers Club's Judges Reception, we are sharing a slideshow of photos from judges receptions throughout the years, and a few facts from the event’s history.
April 27, 2022
BASF Celebrates 150th Anniversary
BASF past presidents, board members, state and city officials, congregated for one of the first in-person events held on the patio at our new offices. Mayor London N. Breed presented a proclamation to Yolanda Jackson, declaring it "The Bar Association of San Francisco Day" in the City.

2022 article by Glenn Bugos
When it All Started
BASF today holds 37 boxes of archives, though none from its first 34 years of 1872 to 1906.

Celebrating 150 Years of Raising the Bar
A welcome message from 2022 President Mary McNamara, and Yolanda Jackson, Executive Director and General Counsel.
BASF Protests Cuts to Court Funding and Access to Justice
In a massive show of solidarity, on 12 April 2012 BASF members joined with other Bay Area bar associations and fifty statewide organizations on the steps of San Francisco City Hall for a rally to “Stand Up for Justice.” Their message was clear: fund our courts, ensure access to justice, and that justice delayed is justice denied.

Homeless Advocacy Project Gets a New Home
Having lost their lease as a result of the rent squeeze created by a booming San Francisco economy, the Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP) moved February 1, 2015, into its new home at 125 Hyde Street, now known as the Tanya Neiman Building.

The Road to Right to Counsel
The Right to Counsel movement, also referred to as Civil Gideon, is based on the recognition that everyone should have access to legal services in cases involving basic human needs. Gideon refers to the 1963 landmark case Gideon v. Wainwright, in which the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that states are required to provide an attorney to defendants in criminal cases who are unable to afford their own attorneys.
Service to the Community - Snapshots from the Archives
Past Presidents throughout the Years
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Visit the History Archive
Throughout this year, we are adding historical documents and articles to the newly created history archive in our online documents library.
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We'd love to hear from you. If you have a story, article, or historical photo related to San Francisco legal history, we'd love to hear from you.
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