Law Academy

San Francisco Law Academy is a program for junior and senior students at Balboa High School in San Francisco. The curriculum, built into core classes, teaches students basic legal concepts. Six-week summer internships give students meaningful work experience.

Volunteer attorneys mentor juniors in the classroom and give students the skills to work as interns the following summer. Law firms, in-house departments and public interest organizations hire law academy interns for six-week paid internships in the summer. These internships give students valuable experience and insight into professional environments.

Seniors also have the opportunity to attend City College and earn concurrent credits in the administration of justice department.

Make a difference! To learn more, to volunteer, or to hire a law academy summer intern, email

Law Academy-Kitty

Coming from my background, being an attorney always seemed out of reach. Both my parents are immigrants and they’ve never been to college. Even though they try to help me in whatever ways they can, there are still many areas that they’re unable to help me in. If I become an attorney, I will be able to help people, starting with my parents.

Law Academy student